One or more members of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners may be present and may participate at the meeting.

Individuals who register will receive an email in advance of the meeting detailing how they can participate. Individuals who would like to participate remotely should register at The agenda will be available on the Collier County Government website at The public may attend either remotely or in person. Some of the Board Members may be appearing remotely, with staff present in person. The meeting will be broadcast live with closed captioning on Collier Television channel 97/98 and via live streaming at.

This will be a Hybrid Remote meeting and it will be held in the Board of County Commissioners Chambers, third floor, Collier County Government Center, 3299 Tamiami Trail E., Naples, Florida. Notice is hereby given that the Collier County Planning Commission will meet on Thursday, November 5, 2020, at 9:00 a.m.